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802 E State Ave


  • Breakfast Bar, Dining in LR/GR, Eat-in Kitchen Dining Area
  • Double Sinks, Full Bth Master Bdrm, Separate Shwr & Tub
  • Covered Patio(s), Patio
  • Master Bedroom Walk-in Closet, Separate Bedroom Exit
  • Gas Hot Wtr - Tnklss, Tankless Ht Wtr Heat
  • Dual Pane, Low-E, Vinyl Frame Windows
  • Tile Floors
  • Great Room
  • Block, Frame - Wood Construction
  • Comp Shingle Roof
  • Dryer Included, Inside, Washer Included
  • No Interior Steps
  • Cable TV Avail, High Speed Internet Available, Ntwrk Wrng Multi Rms
  • Ranch Style
  • City Services
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Programmable Thmstat, Refrigeration Cooling
  • Block Fence
  • Desert Back, Grass Front, Gravel/Stone Back, Synthetic Grass Back Landscaping
  • Alley, Mountain View(s), North/South Exposure
  • Natural Gas


Gorgeous and fully rebuilt contemporary-style home. In 2017, only the exterior walls remained while the whole home was redesigned, extended and made anew. From the plumbing to the electrical, from the walls to the roof, it's all updated with energy efficiency and sleek designs. With a HERS rating of 59, this air tight home provides long term cost savings for electricity, gas and water. You'll fall in love with the open floor plan, the mountain views that peek through the high windows and the North Central location with its close proximity to Piestewa Peak, Madison Simis Elemetary School, Creative Bridges Coop Preschool, as well as an expansive variety of shopping and fine dining. Two covered patios in the backyard and a front porch provide space to relax and unwind.


North on seventh street from glendale to state avenue; east on state avenue to property on the left hand side of the street.


802 E State Ave

Bedrooms   3
Baths 2
Year Built 1952
Square Feet2060
Lot Size8102 Sqft
Levels 1
Listing StatusActive
Listed ByRE/MAX Professionals
Listing Price$680,000
MLS Number6610503

Bedrooms   3
Baths 2
Year Built 1952
Square Feet2060
Lot Size8102 Sqft
Levels 1
Listing StatusActive
Listed ByRE/MAX Professionals
Listing Price$680,000
MLS Number6610503



  • Breakfast Bar, Dining in LR/GR, Eat-in Kitchen Dining Area
  • Double Sinks, Full Bth Master Bdrm, Separate Shwr & Tub
  • Covered Patio(s), Patio
  • Master Bedroom Walk-in Closet, Separate Bedroom Exit
  • Gas Hot Wtr - Tnklss, Tankless Ht Wtr Heat
  • Dual Pane, Low-E, Vinyl Frame Windows
  • Tile Floors
  • Great Room
  • Block, Frame - Wood Construction
  • Comp Shingle Roof
  • Dryer Included, Inside, Washer Included
  • No Interior Steps
  • Cable TV Avail, High Speed Internet Available, Ntwrk Wrng Multi Rms
  • Ranch Style
  • City Services
  • Ceiling Fan(s), Programmable Thmstat, Refrigeration Cooling
  • Block Fence
  • Desert Back, Grass Front, Gravel/Stone Back, Synthetic Grass Back Landscaping
  • Alley, Mountain View(s), North/South Exposure
  • Natural Gas


Gorgeous and fully rebuilt contemporary-style home. In 2017, only the exterior walls remained while the whole home was redesigned, extended and made anew. From the plumbing to the electrical, from the walls to the roof, it's all updated with energy efficiency and sleek designs. With a HERS rating of 59, this air tight home provides long term cost savings for electricity, gas and water. You'll fall in love with the open floor plan, the mountain views that peek through the high windows and the North Central location with its close proximity to Piestewa Peak, Madison Simis Elemetary School, Creative Bridges Coop Preschool, as well as an expansive variety of shopping and fine dining. Two covered patios in the backyard and a front porch provide space to relax and unwind.


North on seventh street from glendale to state avenue; east on state avenue to property on the left hand side of the street.

Additional Photos:

All information should be verified by the recipient and none is guaranteed accurate by ARMLS.
Property data is copyright 2023 Arizona Regional MLS. All Rights Reserved.

Brought to you by: relocationUSA
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