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10914 S 54th Ln


  • Dining in LR/GR, Formal Dining Area
  • Double Sinks, Other (See Remarks), Private Toilet Room
  • Covered Patio(s)
  • Master Bedroom Walk-in Closet
  • Master Bedroom Downstairs
  • Carpet, Tile Floors
  • Loft
  • Blown Cellulose, Frame - Wood Construction
  • Tile Roof
  • Wshr/Dry HookUp Only
  • Dir Entry frm Garage, Electric Door Opener, Tandem Garage
  • Programmable Thmstat Cooling
  • Block Fence
  • Dirt Back, Gravel/Stone Front Landscaping
  • East/West Exposure, Mountain View(s)
  • Biking/Walking Path
  • Natural Gas


Up to 4% of total purchase price towards closing costs incentive offer. Additional eligibility and limited time restrictions apply. MLS#6546582 August Completion! The Turquoise at Tierra Montana Encore~ This spacious two-story home begins with an adorable front porch entry. The foyer is a bright and airy place to welcome guests and just steps away from your study. Venture past the foyer and you will see your dining room for great entertaining. The kitchen, casual dining and gathering room follow! The owner's suite is tucked away in the back of the home for privacy and features a spa-like bath and large walk-in closet. Upstairs features 4 bedrooms with 2 baths and large loft.


Loop 202, exit sixty eight for estrella drive, left (north) on 51st avenue, left (west) on carver road, left on 54th drive, the models will be on your left.


10914 S 54th Ln

Bedrooms   5
Baths 4
Year Built 2023
Square Feet3550
Lot Size6712 Sqft
Levels 2
Garage 3.00 Car Garage
HOA Dues$109 Monthly
Listing StatusPending
Listed ByTaylor Morrison (MLS Only)
Listing Price$560,402
MLS Number6546582

Bedrooms   5
Baths 4
Year Built 2023
Square Feet3550
Lot Size6712 Sqft
Levels 2
Garage 3.00 Car Garage
HOA Dues$109 Monthly
Listing StatusPending
Listed ByTaylor Morrison (MLS Only)
Listing Price$560,402
MLS Number6546582



  • Dining in LR/GR, Formal Dining Area
  • Double Sinks, Other (See Remarks), Private Toilet Room
  • Covered Patio(s)
  • Master Bedroom Walk-in Closet
  • Master Bedroom Downstairs
  • Carpet, Tile Floors
  • Loft
  • Blown Cellulose, Frame - Wood Construction
  • Tile Roof
  • Wshr/Dry HookUp Only
  • Dir Entry frm Garage, Electric Door Opener, Tandem Garage
  • Programmable Thmstat Cooling
  • Block Fence
  • Dirt Back, Gravel/Stone Front Landscaping
  • East/West Exposure, Mountain View(s)
  • Biking/Walking Path
  • Natural Gas


Up to 4% of total purchase price towards closing costs incentive offer. Additional eligibility and limited time restrictions apply. MLS#6546582 August Completion! The Turquoise at Tierra Montana Encore~ This spacious two-story home begins with an adorable front porch entry. The foyer is a bright and airy place to welcome guests and just steps away from your study. Venture past the foyer and you will see your dining room for great entertaining. The kitchen, casual dining and gathering room follow! The owner's suite is tucked away in the back of the home for privacy and features a spa-like bath and large walk-in closet. Upstairs features 4 bedrooms with 2 baths and large loft.


Loop 202, exit sixty eight for estrella drive, left (north) on 51st avenue, left (west) on carver road, left on 54th drive, the models will be on your left.

Additional Photos:

All information should be verified by the recipient and none is guaranteed accurate by ARMLS.
Property data is copyright 2023 Arizona Regional MLS. All Rights Reserved.

Brought to you by: relocationUSA
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